April Expenses – $1380.13

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for April.


My April expenses were higher than usual, but still not too bad

Entertainment expense was for a one month digital subscription to the New York Times and a new tent for backpacking. Both of the fiberglass poles on my old tent need to be replaced and I decided to go ahead and upgrade to a new tent.

The mortgage payment was my regular mortgage payment.

Transportation was $54.61 for gasoline and $84.24 for two years of car registration, a car inspection and new wiper blades.

My food expense was rather high since I ate out almost every day and didn’t worry about how much I was spending.

My phone bill should remain about this amount now. The last $4 payment on my phone was made last month so the bill will be a little lower, until I decide to buy another phone through their payment plan.

Household expense was for deodorant, laundry, and a baseball cap. Charity and gifts was for a $100 donation and a small gift.

Health expense was for 90 day blood pressure medication refills and gym dues.

Travel expense was for two checked luggage fees, the taxes on an award flight., two nights in a hotel, the annual fee on a hotel credit card, a long Uber ride, and a $110 shuttle from near the trail to an airport almost an hour away.

This month I will be traveling again, but I think I can get my expenses back down to close to the $1000 level.

How was your month?

March Income – $6323.65

Here is a breakdown of my income for March.

Amazon FBA($0.52)
Amazon Merch$9.71
Brokerage Bonuses$100
Other Bonuses$100
Online Income$230.54
Ebay/Other Selling$740.74

March was a great income month. It was probably one of my best ever.

I received $1400 from the economic stimulus payment.

I made $9.71 from Amazon Merch.

I made $3683.09 from my doc review job for a full month of work. I did work over 40 hours every week which helped the income total. I don’t get overtime pay or the total would be even higher.

My Amazon FBA side hustle lost a tiny bit of money.

I made $200 from a couple of brokerage bonuses and a couple of Swagbucks offers.

Dividend income came in at $31. I believe that is my highest ever monthly amount of dividends. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

I made $740.74 selling stuff.

I also received $23.43 in cash back income.

Lastly, I received $5.66 in interest and $230.54 in online income.

This month’s income will be down significantly since my job is ending and I’ll be traveling and not actively making money. How was your month?

March Expenses – $1166.14

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for March.


My March expenses were a little over my $1000 goal, but still quite reasonable.

Entertainment expense was for a one month digital subscription to the New York Times, an entry to the virtual Boston Marathon, and a water filter for hiking. The marathon entry was a bit of a splurge. I’ll never be fast enough to enter the actual Boston Marathon and they may not have the virtual event after things return to normal so I decided to do it now.

The mortgage payment was my regular mortgage payment.

Transportation was $15 for gasoline and $201 for six months of car insurance.

My food expense returned to a normal level.

My phone bill was a little higher than normal. Our internet was out for a day so I used my phone as a hotspot so I could work and get paid.

Household expense was for a mattress, pants, socks, shoes, and a small charitable donation. My old mattress was rather uncomfortable but somehow it didn’t occur to me until last month to just go ahead and buy a new one. The new mattress is very comfortable. Unfortunately, I still don’t sleep very well most nights.

Health expense was for health insurance and gym dues.

Travel expense was for the taxes on an award flight. I will be doing some domestic travel this month. I have received my first vaccine dose and feel it is reasonably safe to travel.

This month should be around the $1000 level as well. Whether I make it under $1000 will depend on how much I spend while traveling.

How was your month?

February Income – $4470.76

Here is a breakdown of my income for February.

Amazon FBA$45.15
Bank Bonus$50
Other Bonuses$15
Online Income$1213.14
Ebay/Other Selling$81.99
Tax Refunds$691

February was a great income month. I had a couple of big boosts to my income, one of which was entirely unexpected.

I received $691 in tax refunds. I had to pay Missouri, but I got money back from my Federal and Kansas returns. My refund amount wasn’t as large as most years since I received quite a bit of unemployment income last year and didn’t have tax withheld from most of those payments.

I got an unsolicited offer to buy one of my domain names that I’m no longer using. I happily accepted an offer of $1250 for the domain. After fees, I received $1213.14. I thought that domain might be worth selling. I didn’t have any idea it was worth that much or I would have tried to sell it sooner.

I made $1664.17 from my doc review job for two weeks of work. I should have four paychecks this month so job income will increase this month.

My Amazon FBA side hustle made a tiny bit of money.

I made $15 from filling out a survey and a referral bonus.

Dividend income came in at $16.03. I bought quite a bit of new stock in my dividend portfolio last month that should result in increased dividend income in the coming months. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

I made $81.99 selling stuff on eBay and elsewhere.

I also received $131.45 in cash back. The big portion of this was my quarterly Rakuten cash back.

Lastly, I received $4.83 in interest and $558 from unemployment.

I expect March will be another great income month although not as great as February. How was your month?

February Expenses – $708.81

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for February.


My February expenses were once again quite low as there were no unexpected expenses and I didn’t spend much on my usual expenses.

Entertainment expense was for a one month digital subscription to the New York Times, a discounted month of CBS All Access, and a movie ticket plus popcorn and soda. The movie made up the vast majority of that cost. Although I liked the movie I don’t think the overall expense was worth the cost. I probably won’t be going to the movie theater again for a long time.

The mortgage payment was my regular mortgage payment. I did pay extra on the mortgage, but I’m now considering that savings rather than an expense so I’m not including it here.

Transportation was all for gasoline. I had a trip to Kansas City at the beginning of the month and I filled up my tank on the last day of the month even though it was almost half full. Other than the trip to KC I barely drove at all in February.

My food expense was very low. I splurged a bit the last few days of the month since I knew my food expense would still be quite low. The combination of being busy with work and freezing cold temperatures half of the month greatly reduced how often I went out for fast food or to buy junk food.

My phone bill was normal. It included the last month of paying for my phone. This month my bill will still be about the same. After that it should be around $26 most months.

Household expense was for a Sam’s Club membership, a small gift, and a small charitable donation.

Health expense was for health insurance, some medicine and gym dues.

There was no travel expense for February and there probably won’t be any this month. I hope I can do some domestic travel next month.

I have some planned spending this month that will likely increase my expenses this month to a little above $1000. The sub $1000 streak can’t last forever.

How was your month?