February Credit Score

My February credit score is 787 which is my highest ever.  It was 770 last month and 782 the month before that.  I’m not sure what is causing the fluctuation.  It will likely be going down next month because I plan to transfer $4,900 of my 8.5% Grad Plus loan to my credit card that is offering me a 3.99% for life rate.  My overall debt won’t increase but my credit utilization percentage will go up causing a reduction in my credit score.

Enrolled in 401k

I was surprised to receive information on how to enroll in my employer’s 401k earlier this week.  I assumed I wouldn’t be eligible to enroll since I’m not actively working there currently.  The website did allow me to enroll though.  The plan matches 100% for the first 3% contributed and 50% for the next 2%.  I signed up for a 5% deduction to take full advantage of the match.  I could have contributed up to 25% of my income but I decided not to since it will be difficult for me to contribute the full $5000 to my Roth IRA and I want to max out my Roth before making more 401k contributions.

This may not mean much though.  I hope to work there this summer but I’m not sure how much or if I’ll be able to work there though.  Getting a job that will give me legal experience is my first priority for this summer. If I still have time to work the pizza job then I will do that as well.  If not there is no harm in signing up since it is free.  My contributions and the employer match vest immediately so I’ll get that money even if I don’t work there after this summer.  I think I can then just roll the money over into my Roth IRA but I need to check on that.

More Free McD’s Food

When I was eating my free weekly meal at McDonald’s yesterday I noticed a sign promoting a deal for a free Mcskillet burrito when you buy a medium or large drink on Feb. 28th or 29th.  I really don’t need to be eating more Mcd’s but I love getting free food.  I haven’t tried the Mcskillet burrito but it seems like a pretty good deal to me.  You can confirm this deal at your local McDonald’s or at their website.

An Exercise and Frugality Hack

My hack to increase my exercise and reduce my natural gas expense is to turn off my hot water heater.  With no hot water at home I have to go to the fitness center to take a shower.  Once I’m already at the fitness center I might as well exercise.  This solves the problem of getting motivated to exercise and will save me a little money as well.

When Do You Give Up on a Car?

My car has 223,000 miles and hasn’t had too many problems until recently.  I just replaced my clutch yesterday at a cost of $440.  This is on a car that is worth maybe $1000.  I’m not sure how much I should spend on the car at this point.  Before I took the car to the shop I told myself I wouldn’t spend more than $500 on it and the repair came pretty close to that.  There comes a point when it is better to quit repairing an old car and get a new(to you) one. I’m not sure what that point is but I do not plan on making any more repairs to my car.  I’m hoping to replace it with a van this summer so I’m not even sure that I should have fixed it now.  I could get by during school without a car if I had to.  I’d just prefer to get a little more use out of my car.