In the summer of 1997 I had a plan to travel to Guatemala and teach English. Between the time I booked my flight and my departure date I did an extremely poor job of managing my money and only had $450 left. It probably would have been smarter to change the flight date but I just decided that somehow I would get by on what I had.
After arriving in Guatemala I had to take a 10 minute,$5 taxi ride and 4 hour,$4 bus ride to get to my destination. Since my return flight wasn’t for 3 months I knew I needed to find some cheap accomodations. I had a page with a map and a list of several cheap hotels that I had photocopied out of a travel book. That night I couldn’t find any of them though and ended up having to get a $20 motel room. That might seem cheap but it was expensive considering how little money I had.