February Income – $2391.63

Here is a breakdown of my income for February.

Class Action$1.19
Tax Refunds$644
Stock Sale$633.59

February was a decent month for income.

Dividend income came in at $22.67.

Interest income was $131.69.

I received $38.05 in cash back.

I made $1.19 from a random class action payment.

My state and federal tax refunds totaled $644.

My job income was $755.58. That was for one week of work. I’ll get another paycheck later this week and hopefully will have more work this month.

I made $115.01 from eBay sales and $49.85 from surveys.

Lastly, I made $633.59 from a stock sale. I rarely trade stocks outside of my retirement accounts. When I do make trades in my taxable account, I will try to remember to include the gain or loss in my income post.

I hope I will have more job income this month and be able to increase my total income. I will be heading back to Thailand in April and need to build up a little financial cushion.

How was your month?

2 thoughts on “February Income – $2391.63”

  1. Hey Andy,

    Just found your website again. Found it a few years ago as well, and now stumbled on it again after rereading some content on ERE.

    Keep it up chap, wishing you the best of luck (with your wife as well)


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