March Income – $5872.19

Here is a breakdown of my income for March.

Amazon FBA($0.32)
Federal Tax Refund$3219
Bank Bonus$100
Online ($8.76)

My March income was higher than normal due to receiving my federal tax refund.

My Amazon FBA side hustle once again made negative income for the month. I didn’t make any sales and had to pay a small storage fee. Now isn’t a good time to be selling non-essential items.

Dividend income was up a little bit. Some of my stocks will probably cut or suspend their dividend over the next few months, but that hasn’t happened yet. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

I had negative online income for the month. I paid to renew a domain name. I will be getting an Adsense payout this month so I’ll have my first profitable month of the year.

Job income was down a bit since I was off a couple of weeks from my full-time job as they transitioned everyone from working at the office to being remote workers.

March was a pretty good month financially. I had almost $6000 in income and less than $1000 in expenses. This month income will be down quite a bit since my tax job is still ending April 17th even though the tax filing season has been extended. I’m not sure if my full-time job will last all month either.

How was your month?

2 thoughts on “March Income – $5872.19”

  1. Nice income, Andy. So you are able to work from home for both jobs, right? That’s great, but too bad the tax job is ending. Is the other job going to last? I’m not sure when meeting jobs will resume. Some people are really optimistic, but I can’t imagine society being comfortable gathering in large groups from different places anytime soon.

    • Yes, I was working from home for both jobs. My project for my full-time job finished on Wednesday, but I’m hopeful I’ll get on another project soon. If not, the $600 a week unemployment will basically replace my job income. I can’t complain since I was originally planning on quitting the full-time job at the end of this month anyway.
      I’d think the meeting jobs will probably be slow even after everything has reopened. You might have work, but a lot less of it. That will probably be true for a lot of industries.


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