July Expenses -$877.78

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for July.

Household $451.29
Entertainment $13.23
Transportation $203.51
Food $111.84
Travel $12.04
Phone $24.97
Health $60.90
Total $877.78


July was another great month for expenses. They were once again well under my $1000 target. My expenses were higher than in June, but they were still pretty darn low.  I’ve been lucky with not big, unexpected expenses popping up the last couple of months.

I did have one car repair that cost me about $150. That was my only unusual expense for the month.  I tried to do the car repair myself, but wasn’t able to finish the job. I think I still saved a little money by buying the part and installing it before taking the car in to have the repair finished.

I’ve decided to list my student loan expense separately since it will throw off my monthly numbers. In July I paid $450 towards my student loan.

This month my transportation expense should go down since I hopefully won’t have another car repair. I’m guessing my food and entertainment expense will go up a little. I might have an increased medical expense due to having a doctor’s appointment. That will depend on how much I have to pay out of pocket. I think I should have a good chance of keeping my expenses under $1000 once again.

How was your month?

1 thought on “July Expenses -$877.78”

  1. Ha!

    $36 – baby shower, retirement gift & donation of school supplies outside of walmart
    $160 to my IRA
    $173.99 – utilities
    $215 – food
    $31.67 quarterly prescriptions
    $17 – household expenses
    $188 – personal spending
    total – $820.00


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