It sucks to send money to pay my student loan knowing that all I will get for it is a little less debt. One of the ways I try to get a tiny bit back for paying my student loan is to pay my student loan with my credit card. This allows me to earn credit card rewards and/or meet the spending requirements for a credit card sign-up bonus.
It is no longer possible to pay my student loan directly with a credit card. It is possible to pay my student loan indirectly using a service called Plastiq. Through their website I can make payments on my student loan using my credit card. The drawback is that there is a 2.5% fee for using a credit card which makes using the service a poor deal for me in most circumstances. Fortunately, they have promos that allow you to earn fee-free dollars. I signed up for a referral promo earlier this month and earned 400 fee-free dollars. That allowed me to make $400 of payments to my student loan without paying a fee.
This promo is still going on and now that I’m a member I can refer members as well. If you sign up through my referral link I will earn 800 fee-free dollars and you will earn 400 fee-free dollars after making your first payment of at least $20 between March 14, 2017, 12:00 a.m. EDT and April 18, 2017, 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Note that after you sign up that it will only say you have $200 fee-free dollars, but after you make the payment of $20 or more it will change to saying you have $400 fee-free dollars. It can take a day or so after you make your payment for the fee-free dollar amount to change.
I’ve made three payments using Plastiq so far and the process went smoothly. The payments did take about ten days to post which is a little slow, but I can live with it. If you have any questions please ask. I hope you will use my referral link so I can make some more fee-free payments to my student loan.
Please use my referral code & pay $500 worth of bills to get 500 fee-free dollars:
Referral code: 679194
Many thanks!
Get $500 fee free dollars after making $500 in payments:
Earn 500 Fee-free dollars!
Use code- 679837
Pay any bill by card with plastiq. Use my referral code & pay $500 worth of bills to get 500 fee-free dollars: