Free Fast Food For a Year For the Third Time

wendysLast Saturday I won free fast food for a year for the third time. If you’ve been reading the blog a long time you might remember that I also won free fast food for a year from McDonald’s way back in 2007 and 2008. As if that wasn’t enough free fast food, a friend who also won free fast food with me moved away and gave me his free fast food pass. I was eating two free fast food meals a week back in 2008.

Before I stumbled upon this latest deal it had been a long time since I had discovered an opportunity for free fast food for a year. Last week I visited a Wendy’s that had recently opened after a complete remodel and they had a flyer advertising free fast food for a year to the first 100 customers the following day. I showed up the next day and after waiting in line for about an hour and a half I received my pass for free fast food for a year. This deal wasn’t quite as good as the McDonald’s deals. This deal from Wendy’s was only for a premium sandwich or salad while the Mcd’s deals were for an extra value meal.  Considering I like Wendy’s burgers a lot better than Mcd’s the Wendy’s deal is almost as good as the Mcd’s deal.

I know I shouldn’t be eating fast food since it isn’t healthy, but I still eat it frequently.  Since I’m going to be eating it anyway I might as well get it for free. If I get a $5 sandwich each week I will have saved $260 over the course of the year. I think it is worth standing in line for an hour and a half to receive $260 worth of food.

Have you ever received any similar free food types of deals?

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