Friday Flip – Olympus Voice Recorder

olympus I have finally gotten another Friday Flip post written and published. I’ve also changed the name from Flippy Friday to Friday Flip since I like the sound of the new name better. In this post I will share my most profitable flip in November.  In order to show both the bad and the good I will post my least profitable flip of November next Friday.

The item for this week’s flip is an Olympus WS-802 Voice Recorder that I purchased on clearance at Staples for $26.50. I was able to sell it on Amazon for $108.97. After subtracting the Amazon fees of $11.39 I was left with a profit of $71.08.

There was also an expense to ship the item to the Amazon warehouse. Since I send several items at a time it would be a pain to calculate how much the shipping expenses is for each individual item. This is a small and light item so the shipping expense wouldn’t have been too significant. I also earned 5% in Staples Rewards on this item. The item was also purchased with either a 2% cash back credit card or a discounted Staples card which would add a tiny bit more profit.

One drawback to deals like this is that they aren’t repeatable. Staples only had one of these recorders on clearance so I couldn’t go back and buy more once this one sold. In order to find more deals I have to browse the clearance area every time I visit. Although I don’t always find something worth flipping I find stuff often enough that it is well worth my time to scan the Staples clearance whenever I’m there.


6 thoughts on “Friday Flip – Olympus Voice Recorder”

    • I’m there at least once a month anyway to recycle my ink so it is worthwhile to check for items to resell. I’ve been dabbling with selling on Amazon for over a year now and this month should be the first month I make $1000 profit.

    • Harley – Thanks. There are some good deals to be had at Staples even though their regular prices and most of their sale prices aren’t good deals.

    • Jon – It took a little over a month for it to sell. It isn’t an especially popular item and there were a few other sellers so that wasn’t too long of a wait.


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