October Expenses – $2275.43

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for October. I thought I had already posted these, but since the post is nowhere to be found on my blog I guess I didn’t or it just disappeared somehow.

Household $464.85
Entertainment $103.51
Transportation $83.94
Food $131.05
Student Loan $106.00
Travel $580.50
Phone $26.81
Health $722.46
Total $2275.43


My October expenses were high due to two big expenses on health and travel.  The health expense was big due to the bone graft surgery I had to prepare for getting dental implants next year. The travel expense was high due to paying for my hotel room for November’s vacation and my last-minute passport experience.

I’m okay with the health expenses since getting my implants is important to my future dental health.  Other than the extra $70 I had to pay to get my passport expedited I’m okay with the travel expenses as well.  The Cancun vacation ended up costing a little more than I planned, but it was still a decent value.  As a once a year expense it is okay to splurge a little.

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