Taxes Filed and Hopes for Hike

I just finished filing my federal taxes.  I filed online using Tax Act which is completely free for your federal taxes.  It was pretty easy to use and best of all free. Did I mention I like free? The only thing I will change next year is not selling stocks.  It is a bit of a pain filling out all the stocks I sold for possible short term capital gains tax.  My federal refund is going to be $5.  Not too bad considering I had a lot of self-employment income and didn’t have any federal tax withheld.  The EIC and Making Work Pay credits saved me from having to pay. My refund is scheduled to be deposited next week.  I am going to do my state taxes manually because I don’t want to pay to file them and I am going to have to pay the state so I’m not in a rush to get the state taxes filed.  I did manage to file my taxes and make this blog post despite being drunk.   Probably not too smart but it seems like a good idea right now.

I am starting my thru-hike March 2.  That is why I decided it would be a good idea to finish off the fifth of vodka in  the freezer.  I have a lot of hopes for this hike.  I think I lost a  lot of readers last year when I failed to complete my hike or stay abroad as I had planned.  Hopefully if I complete this hike as planned I will regain some credibility.  I also need to get in shape.  This past year I have gotten into the worst shape of my life and have been sick much more  often than usual.  I have also felt tired and unmotivated most of the time.  I have suffered from clinical depression before but I don’t think that is what is bothering me now.  I think it is just laziness.  Perhaps hiking 15 miles a day with 30 pounds on my back will cure that.   I need to get in much better shape physically.  I also need to get better mentally.  I have a pretty good life right now but I should be doing more.  There is a lot more I could do online and towards volunteer work, etc.  that would improve my quality of life and the lives of others as well.  Here is to hoping the hike will help me develop that self-discipline.

P.S.  I am watching Lost right now and it isn’t making any sense which isn’t too surprising since I have trouble following it when I am sober.  Maybe I should start smoking weed and then it would make sense.

7 thoughts on “Taxes Filed and Hopes for Hike”

    • Daizy – They are pretty easy with the online tax software. I had already figured out my taxes manually before using the online software and it came up with the same refund amount that I did but was much faster.

    • Dreamer – I hope to finish in about 5 months and spend about $2000. Those might be optimistic goals. If it takes me another month or two or I spend another $1k or $2k I can do that.

  1. “I did manage to file my taxes and make this blog post despite being drunk.” & “Maybe I should start smoking weed and then it would make sense.” You are sooo funny, I laughed until I cried! Maybe if you drink more you could be a comedian!

  2. Thanks for the new Tax Act. File online using Tax Act which is completely free for your federal taxes. It is really easy filing federal taxes. It was easy to use and best of all it’s FREE. Thanks God.


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