January Income $788.36

Here is a breakdown of my income for January.

Online Income




Bank/Other Bonuses




Stock Dividends


Cash Back


Medical Study




This is an ok amount considering I’m not working at a job.  I came up about $20 short of making enough to cover my expenses for the month. My goal is to make enough alternative income to cover my living expenses.  I’ve come close or made that goal three out of the last five months but there is plenty of room for improvement.  This month my income will probably be down slightly.  My online income is going to be down because my Adsense and affilliate sales are shrinking.  My dividend income will also be down because only a couple of my stocks pay dividends this month.  I don’t see any other source of income making up the difference but I will look for ways to increase my income.

3 thoughts on “January Income $788.36”

  1. Wow! I’m impressed with your online income. I read you from time to time, and I realize you’ve got a big time investment there, but it never clicked until now how well you’re doing. That’s awesome!

  2. I would use your alternative income times 1.5 or 2 your avg monthly expenses before calling yourself financially independent. You would like to smooth out your income in order to minimize the risk of sharp increase in expenses or a drop in income.

    As for dividends, try not to focus too much on current high yielders but on dividend growth issues with lower current yields but solid dividend growth ( future high yields)

  3. DGI- Meeting my monthly expenses is my first goal. I’ll still be trying to increase my alternative income after that. I have some high yielders but I also have dividend growth stocks in my portfolio.


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