Cheap Wine Is Fine

I rarely drink wine myself but since many PF bloggers do I thought I would share the results of a couple of studies I recently read about.

In the first study wine tasters were served the same wine in a fancy bottle and an ordinary bottle.  The wine in the fancier bottle was rated much higher.   He also conducted a test where experts asked their impressions of a red and a white wine.  The red wine was actually the same as the white wine but tinted with food coloring.  None of the experts noticed it was a white wine.

In the other wine study volunteers were asked to rate their enjoyment of five wines.  Two sets of wine were identical but labeled differently.  The $5 and $45 wines were both the $5 actual price wine.  The $10 and $90 wines were both the $90 actual price wine. The fifth wine was identified by its actual $35 price.  The $90 wine was the favorite and the $5 was the least favorite.

Two weeks later they were asked to rate the wines without the price information.  They rated the $5 wine better than the $90 wine.  This shows how price can affect how people perceive wine and other things.

I guess the lesson from the studies is put your cheap wine in a fancy bottle and put an expensive price tag on it and you will enjoy it more.

A Sample $1000 Monthly Budget

Someone on a Yahoo group I belong to recently asked if it was possible to live on $1000 a month.  Since millions of people in the U.S. do live on this amount or less it is definitely possible.  Below is a sample budget of how I would live on $1000 a month.  I won’t be working during the months of February, March or April and plan to keep my expenses at $1000 a month or less for that time period.



Utilities (electric and gas)






Health Insurance


Car Insurance


Savings for irregular expenses










The rent, health insurance, car insurance, and phone are all actual, fixed monthly totals.  The utilities amount is less than what I’m paying right now but it is well above what I’ll be paying in the summer.  My food expense isn’t fixed but it is usually right around $100.  The savings for irregular expenses covers car registration, maintenance, and any other predictable but irregular expenses. I purchase my health insurance through eHealthInsurance(Update: I now get my health insurance through which has lots of relatively low cost plans available. My entertainment budget of $100 could easily be cut but I’ve been spending more than that lately.  The amount budgeted for gasoline is also probably too high since it should come down significantly now that I’m not working.  I threw in $30 for miscellaneous to cover any little expenses not covered by the previous categories.  This is a realistic budget for me and should be achievable for most people that live in an area with similar housing expenses.  You can look at my expenses for last April to compare how my actual expenses match up with this budget.

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December Expenses

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for December.











Student Loan








Expenses were up mainly because of paying off my private student loan.  My expenses will be down this month since I’m returning to school and quitting my jobs.

December Savings/Debt Repayment Percentage

My savings/debt repayment percentage for December was 55%.  I paid $1095.23 towards my student loans and contributed $350 to my IRA.  This was out of a total income of $2617.84.  I did carry some savings into the month which went towards paying my student loan but I also received a paycheck on the last day of the month which was too late to use the proceeds towards paying debt or an IRA contribution.  Therefore I think it is pretty accurate to say that my savings/debt repayment percentage was 55% of my income.  This is the last month I’ll keep track of the percentage for a few months because I won’t have much income while I’m in school.

December Income

Here is a breakdown of my income for December.

Job Income


Online Income




Lawsuit Settlement






My income was up mainly because I worked more hours for the month.  My income will be down severely in January since I’m returning to school.  I hope to significantly increase the amount of my other income to help offset the loss of job income.