My July investment income rose slightly to $90.62 from $89.47 the month before. This was due to a slight rise in the value of my stocks. I did not make any additional investments in July. Part of the reason for the decline in my investment income from its highs earlier this year is that I am now counting only $1000 cash as part of my investment portfolio. I was counting $1500 earlier but after skipping a month of calculating my investment income I forgot how much cash I was counting as part of my investment portfolio. I have decided to keep the figure at $1000 since my amount of cash available has seriously decreased.
Unless the market treats me badly in August I should have an increase in my investment income because I will finally resume adding to my portfolio. This will probably end again in September though because I have a big expense that month.
Disclaimer: This is not my actual investment income. To get this figure I first add up my retirement savings, emergency fund, and any other money I consider permanent savings. What the total of my savings would earn at 6% interest for a month is my monthly investment income. My goal is to get this amount to $1000 a month. If I have $1000 in monthly passive investment income I will be able to retire early.