My $14.74 Electric Bill

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my electric bill for December was only $14.74. My actual energy charge was only $4.87, the rest of the bill was for the customer charge and taxes. This is why I didn’t want an apartment with natural gas heat. The gas company charges a $25 customer charge before you even use any gas. Electric heat ends up being much cheaper for me.

I used 66 kwh of electricity. The average household in Missouri uses 1,112 kwh of energy in a month. Since I am a single person and have a studio apartment rather than an average size household and house it makes sense that I would have a lower electric bill. There are several ways I save on electricity by living in a studio apartment. My hot water comes from a central boiler which allows me to take 15 minute hot showers without running up my electric bill. Another advantage I have for using less electricity is that I don’t have a washer/dryer. The biggest savings came from the fact that I didn’t use my heat at all. My apartment just seems to naturally stay warm. I guess that is from having a third story apartment with south facing windows. This could be a big disadvantage when it starts getting warmer.

There are some things I do to save electricity. I think they are all pretty well known electricity saving tips. I keep the microwave unplugged when I’m not using it. I use a fluorescent lamp rather than the overhead light in my bedroom. In the bathroom I use just one light bulb and keep the others unscrewed since one bulb provides plenty of light. Sometimes I shower in the dark. I don’t have a TV, I use my laptop for watching movies and other entertainment. I use sunlight for illumination during the day.

Even with all of that I’m surprised my electric bill was so low. I would have thought the refrigerator would have used that much electricity by itself. If the electric bill was a mistake I’ll find out next month. If not, I think I have my electricity costs about as low as they can go.

Make Your Own Shaving Oil

Using a safety razor allows me to keep my shaving costs low yet get an excellent shave. I have extremely sensitive skin and even using a high quality razor, shaving gel, and shaving in the shower my skin is very irritated from shaving. On a post about saving money on shaving at another blog a couple of commenters recommended using shaving oil and mentioned that it lessened the irritation of their skin and left their face feeling soft. Based on that recommendation I decided to give it a try.

The cost of shaving oil is much more than shaving foam but I figured if it worked like the commenters said it would be worth the extra money. I don’t always choose the lowest cost option. I found a somewhat reasonably priced shaving oil that also had positive reviews and bought it. The price was still a little more than I would have liked, but I had lots of Amazon credit from Swagbucks so it didn’t cost me anything out of pocket.

I have been pleased with the performance of the shaving oil. My skin is less irritated after shaving and feels much softer. I initially used the shaving oil with shaving soap but when I ran out of soap I just used the oil and it worked fine by itself.

Even though I am happy with the shaving oil, I don’t like that it costs so much more than shaving foam,gel,or soap. Looking at my bottle of shaving oil I saw that it was made from a blend of olive oil, peppermint oil, sandalwood oil, and other oils. That made me think I could make my own shaving oil. A quick internet search revealed that plenty of people do make their own shaving oil. You just need the base oil, which for me is olive oil, and a few drops of essential oil.

What I have done is just add olive oil to the remaining oil in my shaving oil container. I will eventually need to get some essential oils but since you only need a few drops per ounce of the base oil it shouldn’t raise the cost of my shaving oil much. My cost of shaving was already very cheap and now it is even cheaper.

2013 Goals: Save 50% of Income and Live on Minimum Wage

The end of the  year is coming up soon and many people are setting goals for the new year.  I will be setting a couple of goals for 2013 as well.    My intention is to set a couple of year long goals now and make some smaller goals during the year.  That was what I intended to do this year but I didn’t follow through.  I’ll have a post on my 2012 goals before the end of the year.

As you can probably guess from the title my goals for 2013 are to save 50% of my income and live on minimum wage.  These are both financial goals and are goals that I am capable of attaining.  These goals are mostly in my control, so as long as I don’t get lazy or lose focus it should not be too difficult to achieve these goals.

The goals of saving 50% of my income will be the most difficult.  I had a negative savings rate this year.  My circumstances have improved though and I will be making more money in 2013 which will allow me to save a lot more money.  I’m currently working a part-time job and will start a full-time job next week.  The full-time job pays over twice the hourly rate of my part-time job so that will be a nice boost to my income.  I have another part-time job scheduled to start in late January.  That job has full-time hours available so I will work as many hours as I can.  Once I’m working all the jobs my monthly income should be double or triple or possibly more than my average monthly income in 2012.

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Saving Money on Groceries – $100 Giveaway

Cutting the grocery bill is one of the easiest ways for most families to save money. The typical American family spends about $6,000 a year on groceries. If they could cut that bill in half they would have an extra $3000 to save or spend elsewhere. Saving money on groceries does not need to take a lot of time or mean sacrificing all of your favorite foods.

One of the simplest ways to save money on groceries is to stop wasting food. Approximately 12% of food bought for the home is wasted. If your family wastes an average amount of food then you could cut your grocery bill by 10% or more without even changing what foods you buy. One way to reduce food waste is to plan out your meals so you only buy groceries that you will use in your meal plan. If you take leftovers for lunch you can save money two ways. One, by not wasting the leftover food and two, by not having to buy lunch. If you get tired of leftovers then you can figure out a way to incorporate your leftovers into a new meal.

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My New Car – 2002 Ford Focus

2002 Ford FocusI bought a new to me car, it is a 2002 Ford Focus. I paid $3000 which I considered to be a fair price, although the mileage of 181,000 is higher than I would like. Since the car gets about 30mpg compared to 16-18mpg for my van the car should pay for itself from gas savings in a little over a year based on my current driving habits.

I purchased the car with my credit card. I’ll earn a little cash back by using my card. I’m hoping that I can sell my van quick enough to pay the credit card off before interest starts accruing. If not then I might have been better off with different financing for the car. I’m thinking I should be able to sell the van for enough money to pay off the car plus put a little cash in my pocket. I’m also paying down the card as quickly as possible in case the van doesn’t sell as quickly as I hope. I have my 2000 GMC Safari up on Craigslist but so far the only responses I’m getting are from scammers. If any readers are looking to buy a van,contact me.

Now that I’m replacing the Safari with a Focus I no longer have the option of living in my vehicle. I still think I could live in a van if I were in a more suitable location. The Focus is a hatchback so I could sleep in it in a pinch but it wouldn’t be too comfortable. Sometime next year I’ll go camping in the Focus and see how well it works for sleeping.

Buying another car so soon after buying the van will cost me some money in depreciation, taxes, and fees. That money should be recouped fairly quickly from much lower gasoline spending though. I also saved a little money on rent during the months I lived in the van. I’m hoping that this car lasts for at least a couple years so that it will prove to a be a financially smart purchase.