May Income – $92.79

Here is a breakdown of my income for May.

Online Income





Cash Back


Amazon FBA


Sell Stuff




Yikes! My income for May was terrible.  A check I was supposed to receive from an advertiser didn’t arrive so I my online income was actually negative in May. To keep things simple I’m just going to subtract the loss from June’s income.  The check has been promised to arrive in June so I should have at least a little bit of positive online income this month.

Since I sold most of my dividend stocks and invested them in an index fund in my IRA my dividend income is way down.  None of the individual stocks I own paid a dividend in May resulting in $0 dividend income for the month.  I do have at least one stock paying a dividend this month. It won’t be much, but it is better than $0.

My income from Mr. Rebates was one of my largest sources of income this month. That income would have to be a lot bigger for that to be a good thing.  If you haven’t joined Mr. Rebates yet you can get a $5 bonus for signing up through my referral link and I’ll make a little money for referring you as well.
Mr. Rebates

I started a new experiment trying to make money with Amazon FBA.  As you can see, I didn’t do too well. If I hadn’t made the mistake of paying $40 for a professional seller account I would have done ok for the month.  I’m going to continue to try to make money with Amazon FBA, but I will keep the expenses down. I’ll try to make a little more from Ebay and Craigslist too.

My June income should be much better.  Of course, it won’t be hard to improve on May’s meager income. I worked 43.5 hours at a job in May and that paycheck will be received this month. I did some mystery shopping in May that I’ll get paid for this month. Also, I had an MRI for a medical study that I will get paid for this month.  If I make the study I should make about $1000 from it this month. Even if I don’t make the study I’ll still get paid for the MRI I took in May.  Although I didn’t make much money in May I did participate in endeavors in May that will pay me this month.

May Expenses – $1089.97

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for May.

Household $420.12








Student Loan









My May expenses were pretty low, but I didn’t quite make my goal of keeping my expenses under $1000 a month.  The main budget killer this month was my entertainment expense.  The main reason for it being high was that I included the purchase of my bike and bike accessories as entertainment.  My bike only cost $15.  Buying a helmet, car carrier, bike tools, and a spare tube added quite a bit more to the total cost though.  If I follow through and ride my bike regularly this will be money well spent.

The health cost was a little higher than usual because I had a dentist appointment. I might have another dentist appointment this month which would keep this expense category high.  I plan on having a lot of dental work done so this will be an expensive category in the coming months.

My transportation cost was unusually low. My only transportation expense for the month was gasoline. The gas expense was kept down by using cash back from my credit card. This month I have to buy six months of insurance and renew my car registration so this category will go way up.

My expenses this month will probably be up slightly since I have an over $200 car insurance bill to pay. I’m also taking a three day vacation in Las Vegas. Most of that vacation has already been paid.  If I don’t do well at the poker tables though, the vacation could get a lot more expensive.

April Safe Withdrawal Rate 39.23%

I didn’t put any money into savings in April and I did not take any money out of savings in April leaving me with a 0% savings rate for April. I could have made a token contribution to savings in April, but since my future income is uncertain I decided not to add to my long-term savings. It makes more sense to keep the money in my checking account now and I can transfer it over once I have a steady source of income again. I don’t want to transfer money to savings and then have to take it right back out again.

My SWR rate for April was basically unchanged at 39.23% compared to 39.05% the month before. My goal is to get the SWR down to 4% so the lower my SWR is the better. That goal is probably many years from being met. The 4% SWR translates into having 25x your annual expenses in savings or 300 months of expenses in savings. Once I reach that point I will consider myself financially independent.

I have 30.59 months of living expenses saved which is basically unchanged from the 30.72 months of living expenses I had saved last month. I calculate my safe withdrawal rate by dividing the average of my trailing twelve months of expenses by my total money saved. When I don’t add any money to my savings the only changes to my SWR and months of living expenses saved are from my investment performance and the average of my trailing twelve month’s of expenses going up or down. My investments stayed about the same in April, but my monthly expenses were a little higher than usual causing the average of my trailing twelve month’s of expenses to go up. That average going up caused my numbers to be slightly worse than the month before.

I won’t be adding any money to my savings in May either because I still don’t have a stable source of income. I’m hoping that my investments perform well and I can keep my monthly expenses fairly low so I can improve my numbers even though I’m not adding to my savings. To make significant improvements though I’ll need a steady stream of income so I can put more in my savings. I’m hoping I will get another job this month or early next month.

April Income – $3068.26

Here is a breakdown of my income for April.

Online Income





Cash Back




Bank Bonus




Note: This is an updated version of this post since the first one I published somehow included the information from last month’s income post rather than the new information I wrote for this month’s post. This will be my best attempt at reconstructing what I originally meant to post.

April was a pretty good month for income since I received three paychecks.  Unfortunately, those were my final paychecks from my tax job which is now finished for the season.

Online income is still decent, but my affiliate income has completely dried up.  I’m not sure if I will make any affiliate income this year.  Affiliate income and blogging income are no longer a priority for me though.  I plan to experiment with a couple of different ways to make online income this year.  More on that when my plans come closer to fruition.

My income from dividends,Mr. Rebates , and other alternative sources of income remains small.  However, since I’m able to keep my expenses so low this small source of income still amounts to about 10% of my expenses which I think is a significant contribution.

My prospects for income this month aren’t so good.  It appears unlikely that I will get a job and receive a paycheck before the end of this month.  I do plan on selling some stuff this month, but I haven’t done too well at that yet.  I’m not too worried though since I have plenty in savings and I am confident I will be able to bring in a decent income again soon.

April Expenses – $1336.35

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for April.

Household $417.73








Student Loan









My April expenses were higher than I like.  I spent $380 on repairs for my car or I still would have made it under the $1000 level for the month though.  My food bill was a lot higher than normal due to eating out while I was traveling for my hike.  My actual travel expenses were low at $28 since I was able to get most of my expenses reimbursed by my Capital One Venture card, my Southwest Visa card and my Barclaycard Arrival™ World MasterCard® – Earn 2x on All Purchases. That isn’t bad for a 12 day trip with 2 hotel stays, 1 hostel stay, a commuter train ride, two taxis, an airport shuttle, and a plane ticket. This was also the first month that I had to start paying my student loan which keeps my fixed expenses higher than they were.

I think May should be a lower expense month.  The transportation expense will go back to normal and everything else will remain about the same as in April. The only exception to that would be the entertainment expense which will go up in May since it was artificially low in April due to using some gift cards and being gone on my trip for half of the month.

I think I could have a good shot at getting my yearly average monthly expense below $1000.  I do plan on having some dental work done though which will likely ruin my chance at having the lower expenses.  The dental work has been put off for a while though since I couldn’t afford it the past few years. It is more important to get my teeth healthy now than to keep my expenses below the $1000 level. Even with the dental expenses I think I will have respectably low expenses for the year.