January Income – $3443.02

Here is a breakdown of my income for January.

Other Selling$12.47
Capital Loss($548)
Amazon Merch $4.15

January was a good income month. Although I had some negative income, that was offset by having five paychecks during the month.

Dividend income came in at $20.27.

Interest income was $193.76.

I had a loss of $64.66 from selling on eBay. This was an item that I bought a couple of years ago on speculation that it would go up in value. That didn’t happen and I was happy to finally unload it for not too bad of a loss.

I made $12.47 from other selling. This was stuff that wouldn’t be worth my time to resale except that buying them helps me meet a credit card signup bonus.

I made $56.76 from cash back.

I made $3768.27 from job income. When adding this up I realized that I forgot to include my health insurance premiums deducted from my paycheck in this month’s expenses. I will remember to add them for this month.

I made $4.15 from Amazon Merch.

Finally, I had a capital loss of $548 from selling some stocks. I decided to reduce the number of stocks I own in taxable accounts and sold off all of my losers.

This month will probably be a little lower since it is a shorter month and I’ll be off four workdays at the end of the month to go to Thailand.

How was your month?

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