August Income $3506.14

Here is a breakdown of my income for August.

Other Selling($23.75)
Credit Card Bonus$50
Odd Job$50

August was another good income month.

Dividend income came in at $23.57.

Interest income was $57.53. This was down significantly from the previous month due to investing some money in a CD that won’t pay out until next month and investing in a fund that paid out this month rather than in August. This month’s interest will be much higher.

I made $23.04 from eBay. When I’m working full-time, I don’t spend much time trying to sell on eBay, but some stuff that I already had listed still occasionally sells.

I made $181.35 from cash back.

I made $3144.40 from job income.

I had a credit card bonus of $50. This was for adding an authorized user to one of my accounts. I wouldn’t open a new account for that low of a bonus.

I made $50 from an odd job. I’ll have more income in this category this month.

I lost $23.75 selling things outside of eBay. I bought some stuff that was going to make me a small profit to help meet a spending goal for a new credit card. Things changed and I ended up with a small loss. The credit card bonus will more than make up for the small loss though.

This month should be about the same. My job looks like it will continue until at least next month and maybe longer.

How was your month?

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