July Expenses – $1679.11

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for July.


July’s expenses were reasonable considering I had a couple of big expenses.

Entertainment expense was for one month of Amazon Prime.

My transportation expense consisted of $149.59 for gas.

My food expense was $273.38. That is divided between $212.50 for groceries and $60.88 for restaurants. Now that my wife is living with me, I am spending a lot more on groceries and less on restaurants. I will try to get this expense down to about $250 a month.

Travel expense was $0 and it will probably be $0 again this month. This is unusual for me, but I probably won’t go to Thailand again until sometime next year and I’m unsure if we will have any domestic travel this year.

Utilities came in at $247.05. This was for electric and internet. Our water and sewer bill is also bundled into our electric bill.

Household expense came in at $149.08. This was for a couple of gifts, a state ID for my wife, a rice cooker, a mortar and pestle, and various other household items.

I spent $625 on visa related expenses. I submitted a visa application for my stepdaughter. The visa process moves slowly so I probably won’t have any more visa expenses this year.

I spent $216.06 for one month of phone service for my wife and one year of phone service for me.

The $11.66 spent on health was for medications.

This month’s expenses will probably be a little lower. How was your month?

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