February Expenses -$1693.07

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for February.

Household $530.41
Entertainment $81.53
Transportation $29.67
Food $153.46
Student Loan $505.95
Travel $293.08
Phone $26.50
Health $72.47
Total $1693.07


February was a decent month for expenses. Although it was a lot higher than January, that was to be expected since January’s expenses were so low. The main things that made this month’s expenses higher were the student loan payment of $505.95 and the travel expenses of $293.08.  The student loan expense is a necessary expense if I’m ever going to get it paid off. The travel expense was for the annual fee on two credit cards and two six-day museum passes for our Paris vacation. The credit cards are going to get me two free nights in Paris at an $800 a night hotel so I think that is a pretty good deal. One of the credit cards is also allowing me to get a hotel room for $75 a night in Boston where we will be staying the night before taking a plane from Boston to Paris. That room would have cost at least $150 if I didn’t have points from my credit card. I get a lot in return for paying the annual fees on those credit cards. Their will still be lots of miscellaneous expenses, but I’ve got all of the big spending done for our Paris vacation. If it weren’t for the student loan expense and travel expense I would have met my $1000 spending goal for the month.

March’s expenses will be pretty similar to February’s except I’ll have a bigger student loan expense.  I’ll be okay with that.

How was your month?

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